Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Building a Society

Contributors: Nu Kua

Once the world came to be, I decided to populate it with human beings. There are two methods I will share with you. Both are fine to use, but you will have different outcomes in the quality of your beings.


- Three parts clay

- One part water

- Yang extract

- Yin extract

- Twisted rope (for the second method)


Method One:

1.) Wet and knead the clay until it is pliable enough to form figures. If the mixture is too wet, add in more clay. If it is too dry add water one tablespoon at a time.

2.) Shape the clay into the desired shape. I made mine look a little like me, but instead of dragon tails I decided to give them two legs to match their arms.

3.) Infuse half the figures with Yang extract and the other half with Yin extract.

The resulting human beings are very intelligent and have a higher quality than the second method. However, this method is very time consuming. 

Method Two:

1.) Head out to your closest river with the twisted rope.

2.) Place the rope into a clay embankment.

3.) Twist and roll the rope into the clay.

4.) Pull up the now clay covered rope and give it a gentle shake.

5.) The clay drops that fall from it should form humans once they hit the ground.

6.) Infuse half the batch with Yin extract and the other half with Yang.

I'm sure you'll notice this version yields a different quality of humans. They are as functional as method one humans, but of lower quality and intelligence. The upside of the rope method is that the process is much more efficient.

When you let humans from both methods mingle, you'll notice the social hierarchy that forms. This is natural and to be expected. The Method One humans will be a ruling class of sorts. They will be wealthier and have a higher social status. The Rope Method humans will make up the "common-folk" of the society. 

While the humans are self sufficient, it doesn't hurt to exercise your godly powers to protect them. Sometimes divine intervention is needed to shield your creations from a vengeful god or spirit.

Recipe notes:

Yang - extract to make male humans

Yin - extract to make female humans

Little Friends

 Contributors: Obatala (with assistance from Olorun)

My recipe was developed out of boredom after creating the Earth, and I was feeling pretty lonely at the time. So this activity is perfect for rainy days when you have no where else to go and everyone cancelled brunch plans on you. This is a simple, but really repetitive process, so be sure to take plenty of little breaks so you don't wear yourself out. 


- Clay

- Palm wine (for when you get thirsty)

- The breath of a more powerful god


1.) Mold the clay into little figures. The shape is up to you, but I went for the standard two arms - two legs design.

2.) Once you have filled the empty void in your heart with these creatures, take a little break and have a one god party with the palm wine! If you decide to make more friends after this, make sure you sober up first. A bunch of mine came out...a bit unique (mismatched lengths in limbs and curved backs). These versions should still be able to function and keep you company, they just look a little funny.

3.) Here is the part where you need a little help. I personally do not have the ability to breathe life into creation, so I asked my father-god-figure for a little help. If you are unable to complete this step, it's ok! You at least have a bunch of cute sculptures!

3.) Cherish and take care of them. You brought them into the world, so it is your responsibility to show them how to survive.

Good luck and may your new little friends bring you joy!

A Family Recipie

Contributors: Marduk (and also Tiamut and Kingu)

I know not everyone has access to the ingredients listed below. I would not recommend substitutions. Honestly, if you can't get your hands on these, you probably aren't a god and this is not the recipe for you.


- Two gods and/or goddesses

- Hand made bones


Before you can make human beings, they first need a place to live.

1.) Take one of your gods and slice her in half. 

2.) Reserve the head for later use.

3.) Turn one half into the sky and the other into land.

4.) Drain the head of saliva. 

5.) Heat this liquid in a pan until it evaporates and clouds form.

6.) Position the head on the land. This will form mountains.

7.) Let it sit for an hour or two, and two rivers should spill from the eyes in that time.

Now onto humans:

1.) Drain the other god of his blood

2.) Use this and your homemade bones to fashion smaller beings.

3.) Place them onto the earth and they are now ready to worship you.

Trial and Error

 Contributors: The Creators

We were very excited try our hand at making humans, but it is not as simple as willing them into existence. (Other gods will boast about these abilities, but we think it's just something they tell their creations.) We will discuss all our attempts and the good, the bad, and the ugly results.

Mud: The Bad

It was SUPER easy to shape little humans out of this material. Mud is an abundant resource and the process is quick and easy. Just wet some dirt and shape away.

Now for the downsides. These guys are way too soft. What's worse is that they can't multiply or produce any coherent speech. Not the best result if you want some intelligent creatures to worship you. So this attempt was squashed and scrapped.

Wood: The Ugly

This is a strong and firm material. Way more sturdy than the mud. They could speak and move around pretty well, but this version of humans still didn't have a soul. Don't expect them to worship you anytime soon. We're pretty sure they just don't have the capacity to.

If you still want to try your hand at this method, we really have to warn you about how resilient they are. We tried to scrap these guys too, but they just wouldn't go down. We tried flooding the area with sap...sent wild animals to tear them apart, but they still survived, albeit with a lot of complications. The ones that survived took a pretty hard beating and looked pretty messed up once we were through. We all felt a little bad once we saw them struggling to stay alive, so we kept them. 

They are now a lower life form we named monkeys. They looks a little bit like humans, but definitely not as high quality.

Corn: The Good, The Best

At this point we were pretty discouraged. Luckily some animals had shown us the way to a new, wonderful material: Corn.

At long last, here is our perfected recipe for human beings.


For the body 

- 4 pieces of Yellow and White corn

- 3/4 cup of cold butter (cubed into small pieces)

- 1/4 cup of cold water

For the Corn Drink

- 2 pieces of Yellow and White Corn

- 1 cup of water


The Bodies:

1.) Grind up the 4 pieces corn into a meal.

2.) Add in the cold water and stir.

3.) Add in the cubed butter and turn the mixture onto a floured surface.

4.) Knead the dough until it becomes firm and uniform.

5.) Let the dough rest in a cool and dry area for about 10 minutes.

6.) Shape the body into whatever form you please.

Corn Drink

1.) Grind the rest of the corn into meal.

2.) Place the cornmeal into a pot and add in the water.

3.) Bring the mixture to a simmer and continuously stir until it is thick and viscous.

Once you complete these two processes, you are ready to bring your little friends to life! Simply let the dough bodies consume the corn drink and they will immediately start to develop muscles and flesh.

Now remember, you want humans that will worship you. We let our first batch roam around and explore the world we created. This resulted in them gaining a concerning amount of wisdom. If this happens to you, just blow some fog into their eyes. This should prevent them from surpassing your status as a god.

Good Luck!

Building a Society

Contributors: Nu Kua Once the world came to be, I decided to populate it with human beings. There are two methods I will share with you. Bot...