Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Little Friends

 Contributors: Obatala (with assistance from Olorun)

My recipe was developed out of boredom after creating the Earth, and I was feeling pretty lonely at the time. So this activity is perfect for rainy days when you have no where else to go and everyone cancelled brunch plans on you. This is a simple, but really repetitive process, so be sure to take plenty of little breaks so you don't wear yourself out. 


- Clay

- Palm wine (for when you get thirsty)

- The breath of a more powerful god


1.) Mold the clay into little figures. The shape is up to you, but I went for the standard two arms - two legs design.

2.) Once you have filled the empty void in your heart with these creatures, take a little break and have a one god party with the palm wine! If you decide to make more friends after this, make sure you sober up first. A bunch of mine came out...a bit unique (mismatched lengths in limbs and curved backs). These versions should still be able to function and keep you company, they just look a little funny.

3.) Here is the part where you need a little help. I personally do not have the ability to breathe life into creation, so I asked my father-god-figure for a little help. If you are unable to complete this step, it's ok! You at least have a bunch of cute sculptures!

3.) Cherish and take care of them. You brought them into the world, so it is your responsibility to show them how to survive.

Good luck and may your new little friends bring you joy!

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